Old VAXen never die...
...they just move North (shamelessly stolen from the NetBSD/VAX web page).
No, I didn't take an actual VAX up North (my two VAXen are currently in storage in Germany), but a large suitcase full of other electronic parts went with me to Trondheim, Norway in early December. As expected, this resulted in a special luggage examination at Nuremberg airport. Luckily, the customs officers didn't require an explanation of every single of the many PCBs...
So, as some of my readers already know, I have decided to end my commitment with Coburg University at the end of 2019 in order to accept a position as associate professor for compiler design at NTNU in Trondheim.
Arriving at the airport in Værnes, I was greeted with the appropriate weather:
Luckily, I got an upgrade to my rental car from a puny Polo to a nice Mercedes GLC. This helped quite a bit, considering the road conditions:
So, last week I started my new job at the institutt for datateknologi og informatikk (Department of Computer Science). Stay tuned for more!