These disk images were taken from Be Hobbit #44. The BeOS version is very primitive, with a great many of the files, including the kernel, dated in 1992, though the boot ROM is dated mid-1994. It boots to a single terminal window. This Hobbit was bought at the Be Inc. liquidation auction of 2002. These disk images are of the same hard disk, but done a different way. They were created using Mac OS X (10.2.8) on a B/W G3/450 and an Adaptec 2930U SCSI controller connected to the Hobbit's Conner CP30170e 170MB hard disk. They were created using the Unix 'dd' command. Hobbit44.img - created using the raw disk device. MD5 checksum: 1a5cceac6565747c920035ca765edf26 Hobbit44b.img - created using the standard disk device. MD5 checksum: 1a5cceac6565747c920035ca765edf26 I was unable to restore either of these files back to a hard disk for testing due to the lack of a suitable ~200MB SCSI drive. Jeff